If you look at a Hogs trotters (their feet) they look like a lady standing in high heels - don't be dismayed, they can stand for long period of time, but are designed (yes I said that, I think they were designed - not chance) to stand on soft ground, not concrete - something we made.
So, when they are kept on concrete all their lives, they don't adapt, they suffer. And, when and animal suffers from chronic pain, they are sick... now, let's see, what does conventional, mega-factory, industrial farming do about that... yep, you guessed it - medicine. And it goes straight into your mouth.
At SonRise, our hogs are free to roam, and the taste comes through in the product.

It's really pretty simple - we eat meat and they serve that purpose. We treat them with the most dignity and care during our time with them. The fact that their distant relatives live tortured lives on concrete - tortures us. We have a responsibility and we take it seriously.