You have heard me talk a lot about Management Intensive Grazing--or MIG, as we call it. MIG is a method of animal husbandry that primarily applies to care and feeding of ruminant (animals with multiple stomachs that chew cud) animals. When practicing MIG, the burden of care and animal needs falls directly on the Rancher. It is a very steep learning curve, and without careful attention to detail, your animals' nutrition can go downhill fast!
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Hog operations have some inherent drawbacks. Hogs produce as much as three times the manure that other farm animals produce. Their manure is high in phosphorus and can be beneficial if used properly. However, managing all this output can be quite a task.
Here at SonRise, we keep things on the straight and narrow. Our goal is to be a productive, environmentally friendly, clean and compliant grass-fed and free-range provider that is in total compliance with the law. Unfortunately, our huge federal and local bureaucracy is influenced and controlled by the large industrial mega-farm mentality that has infiltrated every corner of our society. To make matters worse, we have a society that is wholly ignorant of healthy and animal-friendly farming techniques. As such, we attracted the attention recently of the public authorities…. Let me explain.
July 2024